Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

Whilst ageing is a simple fact of life, many of us find ourselves wishing we could turn back the clock. Luckily, that’s dermal fillers come in. Done correctly, dermal fillers can reduce fine lines and wrinkles and add volume to hollow areas, but are dermal fillers safe?

The answer is, yes. Dermal fillers are safe. However, as a clinician you should pay special attention to the quality of your chosen dermal fillers, the technique you use to administer and the level of care you are giving your patients. This will ensure the best results for your patients.


Dermal fillers are safe, but they should always be administered correctly, by a trained and certified clinician, in a professional environment. Incorrect technique or unsterilized needles may cause severe complications and lead to infection, nodule formation, and even blood vessel compromise.

Improper use of dermal fillers may lead to the filler leaking from the intended treatment area, which could block blood flow, cause tissue death, and cause a blockage in the blood vessels that link to the eyes. This may result in permanent blindness.  

Incorrect filler may also impact the overall result. If the patient has already had dermal fillers in the past, you should find out whereabouts and what treatment was used. Too much filler, and improper use may cause the face to appear puffy, known as the pillow face. 


Before carrying out dermal fillers on your patients, invite them in for a consultation. This gives you the opportunity to learn a little more about your patients concern and analyse their skin and overall health to ensure they are eligible for dermal fillers. 

During the consultation, ensure your patient understands the procedure, the side effects they experience and any complications that may arise. 

It is common for patients to experience mild side effects such as swelling, redness, bruising, and tenderness for a few days following the procedure. These effects are temporary and will subside by themselves. 

Dermal fillers are not safe if your patient suffers from allergies, pregnant, or breastfeeding.


The quality, and of course type of dermal filler you select for your patient will have an impact on the safety of the treatment, and the longevity of it. 

Some dermal fillers, for example Ellanse are formulated into a thicker consistency to effectively fill and smooth facial wrinkles and provide a natural lift. Other fillers, for example Juvéderm are better suited to adding volume to the lips or hollow areas of the face. Its concentrated gel substance, and unique formulation of means it remains under the skin for longer.

When ordering dermal fillers for your clinic, you should purchase them from a reputable source, such as fillers direct. This will give you peace of mind, and help you decide which dermal fillers are best for the patient. 

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