What are Russian lip fillers?

What are Russian lip fillers?

What are Russian lip fillers?

What are Russian lip fillers? Put simply, this is a technique used by professionals to give the lips a natural enhancement to resemble that of a doll. 

Originating from Russia, this technique has swept its way across the globe and is now one of the most performed lip filler techniques in Hollywood. The Russian technique is designed to accentuate the cupids bow to create a heart shape, this can be achieved by injecting additional filler to the centre of the lips, whilst the sides remain in-line with the face. The result is a naturally plump, almost doll like appearance. 

How does the Russian technique Differ from Standard Techniques?

You may be asking yourself how Russian lip fillers differ from standard practice. In short, standard lip filler is what most clinicians are used, and they would usually inject the filler horizontally into the lip for evenly spread volume. The Russian technique, however, is slightly different. 

To perform the Russian technique, you will first need to opt for a smaller syringe, and inject smaller amounts of filler vertically, paying particular attention to the centre of the lip. This technique usually takes up to one hour to perform, which is a little longer than standard filler due to the precision required. 

The side effects look about the same as the standard technique and your patients can expect some temporary, mild swelling or bruising to the area which should ease down within a few days. Generally, the Russian technique lasts as long as standard filler, and your patient will likely need re-treatment in 6-12 months. 

What Filler is best to use for Russian Filler?

When asking the question, what are Russian lip fillers, you may also want to know the best filler to use. Since this is just a new technique, you can use the same product as standard lip fillers, which is usually JuvĂ©derm or Restylane. Both substances are based upon stabilised hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring sugar found in the body that helps the skin to retain its moisture, volume, and elasticity. 

When injected, HA acts like a sponge to attract water into the skin, which leads to a more plumped, youthful appearance. It can also be used to rejuvenate tired looking skin and help to boost natural collagen production. 

For more information on Russian lip fillers, or help choosing the right dermal fillers for your clinic, contact Fillers Direct today.