Which Dermal Fillers Last the Longest?

Which Dermal Fillers Last the Longest?

Which Dermal Fillers Last the Longest?

Dermal fillers are one of the most popular and effective cosmetic injectables on the market. Not only can they address the signs of ageing, by adding volume to the skin and smoothing wrinkles; they can enhance your natural features, and even improve acne scarring and skin condition. 

However, as brilliant, and versatile as dermal fillers are, they do come with one drawback. Sooner or later, results will fade, and your patients may have to return for retreatment. In this blog, we will explore how long dermal fillers typically last, and which dermal fillers last the longest. 

As a clinician, it is important for you to understand exactly how long dermal fillers last, to help you determine the best treatment to suit your patients’ individual needs and the treatment frequency needed. 

If a dermal filler only lasts for three months, you may need to invite your patients back for re-treatment around four times per year. However, if your selected dermal filler lasts for one year, then you will be ok inviting your patient back for retreatment after around 9 months.  

Currently, Juvéderm and Restylane dermal fillers are the longest-lasting dermal fillers on the market, and the most durable. 

Both fillers are made from molecules of hyaluronic acid, and they each have a number of different formulations that cater towards different cosmetic needs. 

Some of the fillers, like Juvederm Vollure and Restylane Kysse are specifically designed for lip contours, whereas others like and some, like Juvederm Voluma and Restylane Lyft are designed to target wrinkles and add volume to the face. 

Whilst formulations of each product may vary, depending on the use, all Juvéderm and Restylane fillers have the same active ingredient, Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that attracts and retains moisture within the skin. When injected into facial tissues, it adds volume, smooths fine lines, and wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin for a more youthful appearance.  

Before administering any type of dermal fillers to your patient, you should first asses their goals and have a look at their skin to help you determine the best solution. You should also be transparent with your patient and help them to understand how long they can expect their fillers to last, and how to ensure longevity. 

Here are some of the main factors that may influence how long dermal fillers last:

  • Specific formulation

  • Area of treatment – results will fade faster on high mobility areas 

  • Specific dosage 

  • The speed the body absorbs filler

For more information on dermal fillers, or for help deciding which one you should select for your patient, contact our team here at Fillers Direct.